ntp problem :(

2005-09-15 Thread bannour souha
Hello, I use a FreeBSD 5.3. I want to synchronize my 2 machines. I tried to connect to a ntp server, but I couldn't. When I type this command "ntpdate -v ntp.imag.fr", I have the following message: "host found ntpdate (imag.imag.fr) : No route to host ntpdate (imag.imag.fr) : No route to

Re: tcpdump problem

2005-09-12 Thread bannour souha
ts to analyse them. So, I want to have the compressed and not compressed packets details. but I have only the content of the compressed packets in hexa :( Souha --- Gregory Nou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > > > bannour souha wrote: > > > Hello, > > > > I am w

tcpdump problem

2005-09-12 Thread bannour souha
Hello, I am working on PPPoE. I use FreeBSD 5.3. I want to capture packets from the interfaces eth and ppp. I used for that this command "tcpdump -e -i rl0 -n -s0 -w /home/dump_eth" when I analyse the packets with ethereal, I have all details, but when I read the content of the file "dump_eth

RE: ftp : 421 error service unvailable

2005-08-06 Thread bannour souha
Hello, I tried telnet localhost 21 from the ftpserver and telnet ftpserver 21 from the ftp client and I found the same thing!! I am not understanding what can be the problem? thank you for your help, Souha --- bannour souha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > > Hello, >

ftp : 421 error service unvailable

2005-08-06 Thread bannour souha
Hello, I installed ftpd on my machine (freebsd 5.3). I tried it from a redhat machine and locally and it works good, but when I tried it from another freebsd machine (freebsd 5.3 also), it doesn't work :( I tried to connect to another ftp server, which is installed on redhat machine, from this