Re: Is it possible to suspend to disk with geli+Root on ZFS installation

2013-10-12 Thread yudi v
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 2:47 AM, Ian Smith wrote: > In freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 486, Issue 7, Message: 5 > On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:25:33 +0200 Roland Smith wrote: > > On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 05:37:55PM +1000, yudi v wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > > >

Geli and ZFS

2013-10-08 Thread yudi v
le of 3TB HDDs mirrored for data and want to encrypt them. I am hoping someone with an in-depth understanding of ZFS will be able to offer some insight. -- Kind regards, Yudi ___ mailing list

Is it possible to suspend to disk with geli+Root on ZFS installation

2013-09-27 Thread yudi v
e file system where geliutility is stored (so the root pool cannot be suspended?) And the onetime option does not support geli suspend. Thank you. Yudi PS. I haven't received any response to the email below, if someone would still like to answer some of the questions at the end, that would b

geli+Root on ZFS installation

2013-09-20 Thread yudi v
on on how the system directories are mounted under ZFS. In the above wiki link, there seems to be separate filesystems created under the root dataset for usr, var, tmp, usr/home What's the logic? Are there any general guidelines/best practice instructions? Thank you. Yudi __

new backup server file system options

2012-12-21 Thread yudi v
someone on the freebsd irc channel suggested using zfs for the rootfs as well Are there any disadvantages of using zfs for the whole system rather than going with ufs for the system files and zfs for the user data? -- Kind regards, Yudi ___ freebsd

RE: Fwd: option COMPAT_13 --- Sorry

2004-12-12 Thread Yudi
I'm using freebsd v4.9 I'm finished installed ezm3, but when I configure cvsup especially in : # cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile there error for connecting to cvsup server ( I tried mirror on Japan , Korea and Indonesia) What happen and what should I do ??? Thanks, Best regard