Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Todd Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
This isn't so much a question as a curiosity I noticed tonight.
I have a dialup account with att.net & get a dynamic ip in the 12.93
block. While logging in tonight and initializing ipfilter, I noticed
7 blocke
This isn't so much a question as a curiosity I noticed tonight.
I have a dialup account with att.net & get a dynamic ip in the 12.93
block. While logging in tonight and initializing ipfilter, I noticed 7
blocked input packets right away. No big deal, but I checked my log.
Each packet was from
Tak Pui LOU wrote:
Hi All,
I can't get the java (JDK1.3.1 Native) plugin working on Mozilla. The
error message is
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library
[/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so: Undefine
Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
On 2003-03-10 21:10, Todd Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Seen a few threads similiar to this, but I've got a twist that I can't
figure out. cvsup loops when updating the source collection, but not
when updating the ports collection, both from
A little rusty on this but hopefully it will help some.
I had a HP 812c running on 4.5 awhile back through usb. Used apsfilter
with gimp-print or the HP drivers, but it didn't work the greatest.
Could've been a misconfiguration on my part. On redhat 8 on the same
comp & printer have had excelle
Seen a few threads similiar to this, but I've got a twist that I can't
figure out. cvsup loops when updating the source collection, but not
when updating the ports collection, both from the same server. Its
probably something in my ipfilter rules, but not seeing it dropping
anything it
ipfilter is running here along with ipnat and the related stuff.
Did you do a fresh install or upgrade from 4.x?
I did the latter and it took a bit of doing... assuming you've updated
/boot, run mergemaster at the appropiate places, moved /usr/include if
left over from 4.x, and have a running
Was wondering if anyone else has gotten positives on a rather vague lkm
trojan when running chkrootkit on 5.0-release p1 ?
I ran it occasionally on 4.7 stable and it never found anything.
It's reporting chfn, chsh, date, ls, and ps as infected and a possible
lkm trojan being loaded, plus 8-12 p