error. I can't find a whole lot on the net -- what I did find, people
weren't able to successfully kinit at the command prompt either, but
that works for me.
Stephanie Bridges
Department of Economics
Iowa State University
"A positive attitude may not solv
discovered on RHEL5 (we
are not using the most recent version of pam_mount, so ymmv) is that it
needs to be the module that actually grabs the password and then passes it
on to the rest of the pam stack. It was unable to retrieve the credentials
from whoever was ahead of it. We used CIF
access based upon membership in certain security groups. We don't have
any services for unix support on our AD server either. If your linux boy
needs a little help, I'd be happy to send you my config files, sounds like
maybe he hasn't actually done it on linux either as my
Lennon Cook wrote:
> Stephanie Bridges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Do you have a /dev/ums0 (my usb mouse device)?
> This exists only when my other mouse (the working one) is plugged in,
> and I have no other /dev/ums* .
>> Also, even when my mouse
Lennon Cook wrote:
> Stephanie Bridges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I had the same problem with the mouse (would occasionally move the
>> cursor, never any clicks) until I accidentally got the receiver
>> closer to the mouse. I now have the receiver about three in