marlon corleone wrote:
startx wont load anymore running it as root. the
problem started when i got a improper shutdown, and
when i reboot
i saw this error message dmesg /var /usr was not
properly dismounted, so what i did, is boot in single
user and do a fsck then when i boot the error is gone
Paul Chvostek wrote:
On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 01:38:59PM -0500, Michael L. Squires wrote:
I've got a box on which 5.0-RELEASE was installed. I updated the source
tree using cvsup to RELENG_5_1 and tried to recompile, and now every
RELENG_5_1 is compiling for me (as of 7/4).
You want upgrade installed ports ? If yes then install
/usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade and
read man pages for portsdb, pkgdb, portversion and portupgrade.
This utils check what ports version in /usr/ports (portsdb) and what
ports installed in your System (pkgdb).
portversion - list all ports;