I have a question and how a can sovled my problem.
Installed form the Port:
- DHCP Server
Now, i have a external connection with PPTP (poptop) in the freebsd i
see tun0 active, that very good.
But now send the end of the tunnel hardware (a AccessPoint whith dhcp
relay) DHCP Request
I found this guide:
Commit the first cut of Project Evil, also known as the NDISulator.
Yes, it's what you think it is. Yes, you should run away now.
This is a special compatibility module for allowing Windows NDIS
miniport network drivers to be used with FreeBSD/x86. This provides
After installing the Antivirus Ports that work good for me, but now i have
one trouble in the Maillog Files from Sendmail, see here (only when the
scanner find a Virus):
Feb 28 22:35:57 mail avmilter[4937]: open(outgoing/df-03109-6647D356) to
stdin failed (Bad file descriptor)
Feb 28 22:35:57
I read this tread, great idee to add a spam feature.
so i do it, install with the ports.
I work with sendmail, no mysql db behind.
make install done.
chance the Mlocal Setting, add aliases, and restart sendmail.
Now Message it's comming up to me, but when i send a email to
- Original Message -
From: "Jerry McAllister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michel Schwab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Install Troubles on IBM x searie 345 and ServeRaid 6i
> >
i know the stable version it's 4.9, but the Raid Driver are only in the new
Version 5.x... :(
thx for helping!
- Original Message -
To: "Michel Schwab" <[EMAIL PRO
We have here in the office two new server maschines.
IBM x Server 345 with a Raid Controller: ServeRaid 6i
I have download the latest FreeBSD Version 5.2.1 RC2 12.2.04
But the Kernel doen't find the Raid Controller, it's say: No driver attached
When i read the doc's it must be compiled in th