I have set up a FreeBSD box as a router; works great.
The router (machine B) is a DHCP client to another box (Machine A)
that provides it with its IP address and its DNS server address.
When I hook up a new box (Machine C) to Machine B, I provide it with
Machine B's private IP address as its def
er) before it gets to my "MAC
layer" then I can't test any code.
-- Len
On 9/20/07, Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Len Gross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have a host on my local 192.168.0 / 24 subnet that works fine in
I have a host on my local 192.168.0 / 24 subnet that works fine in getting
to the Internet via a default route.via a wireless connection.
I want to develop some custom link protocols and I have placed two Ethernet
NICs in the box.
I want to be able to send packets from one NIC to the other and main