Arla on FreeBSD 5.5

2006-09-13 Thread Jerold McAllister
I just attempted to install Arla from ports - I need a working AFS client. It is on FreeBSD 5.5 because I was informed that it would not work on 6.1 due to problems using locks (kernel locks??) that have not been resolved. Supposedly though, it is supposed to work on FreeBSD 5.5. But, the insta

Re: question about fortune at login

2006-09-13 Thread Jerold McAllister
David Kelly writes: On Sep 12, 2006, at 9:20 PM, Jonathan Horne wrote: what is the proper way to disable fortune? i deleted the .login file from my homedir... and it still runs at login! Look and see where it is being invoked. That is commonly in .login but could be in any file. If y

Re: X Configuration Woes

2006-09-12 Thread Jerold McAllister
Arindam writes: I am an absolute FreeBSD Newbie and I decided to give it a try over a lazy weekend - mainly because I don't want to throw away my old PIII box. I picked up FreeBSD 5.4 which was all I got and I am dual booting it with RHEL4.3. My box is rather old ... P3 733 Mhz with 256 megs o

Re: Newbie Experience

2006-09-11 Thread Jerold McAllister
backyard writes: --- Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Sep 11, 2006, at 12:15 PM, Jeff Rollin wrote: > Discussions like these leave me lost for words... Perhaps, although it seems you recovered quickly. :-) > Which is to say, apart from the occasional bug I really don't see >

Re: FreeBSD Slices on a PC Compatible Logical Device

2006-09-09 Thread Jerold McAllister
David Lloyd writes: Jerry, Generally, FreeBSD needs a primary slice to boot and run. I assume what you are calling 'normal partition' is what is called a primary slice. Thanks - I had a mental blank as to what to call primary slices :) My suggestion is to shrink that 'logical partition'

Re: FreeBSD Slices on a PC Compatible Logical Device

2006-09-09 Thread Jerold McAllister
David Lloyd writes: Hi There, I partitioned my PC Compatible machine like this: /dev/hda1 - Normal partition /dev/hda2 - Normal partition /dev/hda3 - ~100 gigabyte logical partition There's no sectors left to make another normal partition. From what I can gather in the documentation,

Re: OpenOffice build crashes the compiler

2006-09-08 Thread Jerold McAllister
Perry Hutchison writes: Anyone seen this and know how to get past it? Configuring out the failing component would be fine, if possible, since I really only need the word processor. Making: ../../../../ g++-ooo -fmessage-length=0 -c -Os -fno-strict-aliasing

Re: Network mail

2006-09-08 Thread Jerold McAllister
hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) writes: I'm old school. Back in my day, we didn't have the Internet we have today, and our UNIX boxes could mail over the network we had strung. I don't care what mail app I use. I just want to be able to have two boxes, boxbox and snowy, for example, and be able

Re: 6.1 recommended instead of 5.x for new installations [was: Efficacy vs. "friendliness"]

2006-09-08 Thread Jerold McAllister
Pete Slagle writes: jdow wrote: I noticed that FreeBSD 5.x was somewhat quicker than that to get up, running, and up to date. I can't think of a good reason to use FreeBSD 5.x for a new installation; 6.1 contains so many reliability and performance improvements that it is the clear choice ov

Re: FreeBSD Shells

2006-09-08 Thread Jerold McAllister
Joshua Lewis writes: My shell mysteriously changed. I don't know what port changed the shell but how do I put it back to normal. I liked how when I was logged in or su'ed to root I had a prompt with the computer name and a hash sign. Now I have a percent sign and when I try to change the shell w

Re: Changing Default Editor in profile

2006-09-08 Thread Jerold McAllister
Dominique Goncalves writes: Hi, On 9/8/06, Huy Ton That <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: under my home directory for root under .profile I added the line: EDITOR=pico;export EDITOR where no such line existed for EDITOR before; this line exists in my personal account that I use and my defaul

Re: Xorg install

2006-09-07 Thread Jerold McAllister
g writes: how do i do that? i'm a newbie. Avoid top posting. Then, check out cvsup and keeping your source and ports up to date in the handbook. It is all there in pretty plain descriptions. Even I was able to do it, so anybody can. jerry g. On Sep 6, 2006, at 10:22 PM, Pablo M

Re: Efficacy vs. "friendliness" [Was: How to fix init -> /etc/ttys?]

2006-09-07 Thread Jerold McAllister
Alex Zbyslaw writes: Pete Slagle wrote: Gary Kline wrote: Anyway, this is to the entire list: A week or so ago I loaned my 5.3 set to a non-geek friend who had occasionally been using RH. He brought the box of discs back and said it was too hard to

Re: OpenOffice port vs Firefox

2006-09-07 Thread Jerold McAllister
Perry Hutchison writes: Having gotten a sufficiently-recent version of glib, I am now several hours into the build of OpenOffice, and I've discovered that Firefox has quit working. When I try to start it: GThread-ERROR **: file gthread-posix.c: line 187 (): error 'Invalid argument' during '

Any burncd changes

2006-09-06 Thread Jerold McAllister
Hi All, I have read through release notes, etc and not seen anything, but I am wondering if there have been any changes in recent FreeBSD releases - especially 6.xx, (but possibly 5.xx), that would affect burncd(8) and how it works - or if it works. I have a machine that was at about 4.11 and

Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-05 Thread Jerold McAllister
Nikolas Britton writes: On 9/5/06, Jerold McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Nikolas Britton writes: > On 9/4/06, Perry Hutchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> > > Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1? >> > > AbiWord and Ope

Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-05 Thread Jerold McAllister
Perry Hutchison writes: By the way, Openoffice does work nicely on FreeBSD 6.1 and Gnome is not needed for it at all. Gnome is irrelevant to Openoccife. The Ports build of OpenOffice seems to require glib, which seems to be maintained by the gnome folks even if it is not, strictly speaking, p

Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-05 Thread Jerold McAllister
Nikolas Britton writes: On 9/4/06, Perry Hutchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1? > > AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build. ... > KOffice 1.5 has OpenDocument support. Not that I'm any more eager to get in

Re: System down, won't come up (was: Oh, no....)

2006-09-02 Thread Jerold McAllister
Gary Kline writes: On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 08:33:44AM -0700, Atom Powers wrote: On 9/1/06, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >On Friday, 1 September 2006 at 20:30:24 -0700, Gary Kline wrote: >> >> Well, gang, for about the only time in ten or eleven years, my >> FreeBS

Re: Oh, no....

2006-09-02 Thread Jerold McAllister
Gary Kline writes: > gary > > "Fatal trap 18: blah, blah > "Uptime 1sec" Have you restarted the system that crashed? Does it consistently panic when you try to boot, or was this a panic introduced by the particular conditions of that moment? 100% consistent. tHe strange th

Re: Sparkling Brand New FreeBSD Admin

2006-09-02 Thread Jerold McAllister
Keith Phipps writes: Good Day, My name is Keith and I"ve just been promoted to our Unix SysAdmin at work. I'll be working with a team of guys in the Ops department but the majority are Windows Admins. I'm not completely lost when it comes to using *nix, I use it as my Desktop and know Sla

Re: Please Help

2006-09-01 Thread Jerold McAllister
Benjamin Quaynor writes: Hello, I need a command line to start my services. What services? What are you really asking? Do you want to know what command to type in (for what things?) or do you want a command prompt where you can type in a command? Etc, etc, etc, Without some more

Re: Domainname

2005-04-06 Thread Jerold McAllister
Andreas Davour writes: I didn't think when I was doing my last install, and now my system has a domainname it shouldn't have. Too many different operating systems compete for space in my brain and I can't seem to find any information about "fully qualified domainname" in the fine manual, since

Re: Hi please help

2005-04-05 Thread Jerold McAllister
zhane H writes: Hi dear staff at freebsd NOTE: FreeBSD does not have a "staff". Everyone is a volunteer. But people understand what you mean by your greeting. How may i check whether the hardware in my pc is supporte by freebsd 5.3 If you look on the FreeBSD web site at: http://www.freebs

Re: New Freebsd Install Guide Available

2005-04-05 Thread Jerold McAllister
Ted Mittelstaedt writes: -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jerry McAllister Well, both types of documentation are needed. The official formal documentation, which, of necessity , needs to be written in a rather formal language style and o

Re: Change root user name? possible?

2004-08-26 Thread Jerold McAllister
Ara Avvali writes: Sorry if this might sound crazy, but is there anyway to rename root account to something else for extra security? Thank you It would not provide you any more security. The key thing is the UID which for root has to be '0' You can create any number of accounts with UID of 0 i