Hi List,
Is it possible to upgrade to a stable v7 from 5.4 ??
If so how would i go about it ???
Any help or advise is appreciated.
Kind Regards
Dave C
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
HI All,
I need to automatically once a day backup some files on my Win 2003
serve to my remote FreeBSD box running v6.
What i need specifically is to compress the win files as small as they
can be then either set my FreeBSD box to go a get the file or tell win
to send it to my FreeBSD box.
Hi All,
Had a little nasty person trying to break my sshd on port 22.
I need to change and open a new port for sshd but i do not know how.
Can one of you kind people help me with this please
Many kind regards
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org m
Hi List,
Is there any freebsd based p.c hardware / burn in testing software
available ?
I ask as i am building 3 new servers and want to check all parts ie,
mem, hdd, cpu etc before loading on my freebsd.
What would be ideal is a micro kernal on a floppy disk or self booting
cd with the testin
Hi List,
I know this is going to be simple but I cant find a suitable answer by
trawling the web so I ask how do I count the number of certain files in a
So I am in my dir and want to count how many files begin with db and show me
the number.
I hope you can help me and thank you in ad
Thanks for your help
Dave C
-Original Message-
From: Frank Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 March 2004 09:07
To: Dave Carrera
Subject: Re: Cron job questions
1) if you don't have either cron.allow nore cron.deny, then anyone is
Hi List,
I am trying to set up a cronjob and want to pass by the list if I am doing
it right.
1) I saw on a list that /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow or /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny
needs to exist is this true on FreeBSD as I don’t have them which I think
restricts only root to use cron.
2) I can only su to
Thanks Matthew,
I do not have the port skel on my system so how do I get the port local to
make it ?
Thanks for any help
Dave C
-Original Message-
From: Matthew Seaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 February 2004 13:13
To: Dave Carrera
Subject: Re: Pnmscale
Hi List,
I cant find "pnmscale" on my system anywhere :-(
How can I get it ?
Any help Is appreciated.
Dave C
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