Re: dig

2013-08-21 Thread Colin House
On 22/08/2013 9:34 AM, Doug Hardie wrote: There appears to be a problem with dig and the +trace option in 9.2. I believe its also in 9.1. The command: dig +trace Only yields a dumb response. No useful information is provided. Running the same command on FreeBSD 7.2 yields a co

Re: jls usage

2013-07-11 Thread Colin House
On 12/07/2013 11:19 AM, Fbsd8 wrote: In a .sh script I'm trying to get the jid for a single jail using this code jid=`jls -j jailname | cut -f 1- | awk '{print $1}'` The first line output by jls is a title line which the cut command is suppose to cut out so the first field on line 2 gets select

Re: Crontab for different ime zones

2009-03-31 Thread Colin House
Mel Flynn wrote: .. > > Once a year, since you can use months and days. In fact, iirc DST changes are > known 5 years ahead (I'm sure I"ll be corrected if this is not the case) so > one can even run a yearly cronjob to change the crontab ;) > .. You might want to mention that to the Australi

Re: Mail being sent from my domain...

2007-01-05 Thread Colin House
Sahil Tandon wrote: Rob W. wrote: I hope I'm in the right area and someone could possibly help me with this. You should post this question on the qmail mailing list. You should also include the relevant logs with your question. Even if you're not an open relay, spammers can spoof your dom

Re: Bridging and IPFW

2005-06-01 Thread Colin House
On 6/1/05, George Breahna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: .. According to what I have read, using ipfw2 I should now be able to properly filter by MAC I wrote up some rules! $IPFW 10 add allow ip from any to any MAC any 00:0E:A6:02:4D:A4 $IPFW 10 add allow ip from any to any MAC 00