> After some time (usually around 12 to 24h), the
devices > on the USB hub are not accessible anymore
and I have to > unplugg then replugg the hub power
switch again for the > devices to work.
> This does _not_ happen when I unplugg the USB
harddrive > (I unplugged it for like
> a week and had no p
On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 20:27, Prodigy wrote:
> ${fwcmd} add 400 pass tcp from any 22,80,110,119,143,443,3306,5190,6667-7000
> to any via rl1
> ${fwcmd} add 500 pass tcp from any to any
> 22,80,110,119,143,443,3306,5190,6667-7000 via rl1
> When I comment out 400 and 500 rules and add "allow all fro