n IRC in the official
channel, #xen on irc.oftc.net.
/* Andre Guibert de Bruet * 6f43 6564 7020 656f 2e74 4220 7469 6a20 */
/* Code poet / Sysadmin * 636f 656b 2e79 5320 7379 6461 696d 2e6e */
/* GSM: +1 734 846 8758 * 5520 494e 2058 6c73 7565 6874 002e */
before the system posts, will likely
yield a Mhz guestimate much closer to what you were expecting.
| Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
| Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/>
makes things harder to read.
- cross-post, it's almost always not necessary.
> Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
> Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing li
> This worked before I upgraded my webserver (HTTPD) but now it fails to
> mount on reboot yet succeeds manually.
> Any Ideas?
Multiple mounts for a mountpoint is considered foot-shooting. Either:
a) Mount /home off of NFSD:/home2.
b) Mount NFSD:/home2 somewhere else.