How can I know if there is an in-built NIC in my mother-board?
And How can I know the RPM of my hard disk?, Is it possible to know both
these in FreeBSD?, I'm using FreeBSD5.1 - Release,
Ajesh John
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
ug 2004 16:15:02 +0300, "Ajesh John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I have got a problem with my HS56 PCTel modem because I can not enable
> my serial ports. The first two ports are automatically enabled, but
> the third and the fourth does not get enabled. I re
sio0 4
sio1 3
sio2 5
sio3 9
I have also removed the lines that disable COM3 and COM4 ports from the
file "/boot/device.hints". Can anyone please tell me what should I do
Ajesh John