Re: Python 2.7.9 looks for SSL certificates in /etc/ssl instead of /usr/local/etc/ssl

2015-01-01 Thread possnfiffer
I run FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE x86_64. The last two updates for python2.7_2.2 I saw were Dec 22nd and Oct 10 (I believe) the Dec update is where I started having issues with my SABnzbdplus and SickBeard python scripts. I wrote the following in hopes that readers searching for a fix to https not loadin

Re: Python 2.7.9 looks for SSL certificates in /etc/ssl instead of /usr/local/etc/ssl

2014-12-31 Thread possnfiffer
t those of us who have this certificate issue in our python scripts.+ Best Regards, Roller aka possnfiffer -- View this message in context: Sent from the