Re: ports/187647: [NEW PORT] multimedia/py-gstreamer1

2014-04-07 Thread olivierd
Synopsis: [NEW PORT] multimedia/py-gstreamer1 Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-python->kwm Responsible-Changed-By: olivierd Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Apr 7 16:03:18 UTC 2014 Responsible-Changed-Why: Re-assign to kwm@ _

Current problem reports assigned to

2014-04-07 Thread FreeBSD bugmaster
Note: to view an individual PR, use: The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users. These represent problem reports covering all versions including experimental development code and obsolete releases. S Tracker

FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently scheduled for deletion

2014-04-07 Thread linimon
Dear FreeBSD port maintainer: As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of problems in the FreeBSD ports system, we periodically schedule removal of ports that have been judged to have outlived their usefulness. Often, this is due to a better alternative having become available and/or the