Please add aarch64 support for misc/raspberrypi-userland

2020-03-26 Thread ykla
Now raspberrypi-userland supports aarch64 on Linux. says: *Whilst 64-bit userspace is not officially supported, some of the libraries will work for it. To cross compile, install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu and g++-aarch64-linux-gnu first. For both native and cross

Mesa need to update 20

2020-05-13 Thread ykla
Now mesa stop at 19.0.8. Mesa already update to 20. But update 19.0.8 on 2020-05-03 17:15:23. By the way, it build by python 2. In fact, it can be build with python3.5+. Please update it to last version. ___ mailing list https://

Please update misc/raspberrypi-userland

2020-11-01 Thread ykla
Hi, There is no maintainer for misc/raspberrypi-userland. And this package is not update for a long time. If someone could update It to support raspberry pi? thanks. ___ mailing list

FreeBSD Ports: arangodb-3.7.6 needs update

2021-01-11 Thread ykla
Please upgrade arangodb to latest release. release 4 days ago thanks. ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send an