1) I don't understand why the Textproc/Dixit port is so badly managed. The
program itself is at version 10.4, while your unprofessional port still stays
at version 1.0.1, claiming that the GCC 4.2 compilation is broken.
2) I don't understand either why you don't use Dixit sourceforge RSS feeds
Thank you, Garrett and Rene.
If the port is motherless or orphan, I will look into it an fix it during the
Hotmail & Messenger. Get them on your phone now.
> Datum: Mon, 03 May 2010 22:01:27 +0200
> On Mon, 03 May 2010 21:10:05 +0200
> Rene Ladan wrote:
> > On 03-05-2010 21:00, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> > > On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Tim A wrote:
> > >>
> > >> 1) I don't unde
> > >> 4) I don't understand the suprematism attitude of the maintainers
> > >> in charge, who don't give a penny on the programs they are suppose
> > >> to maintain. They are only interested in the statistics generated
> > >> by their unprofessional ports, but not in their quality.
QED **
Funny enough, I cannot contribute to this thread anymore, as it appears that
only a fraction of the messages in this thread ended in my mail box. I
understand this is a deliberate and convenient policy!