I've been trying for some time to ge graphics/gthumb installed on
my 7.0-RELEASE system and it just ain't workin' and it's becoming
_very_ frustrating.
Basically, gthumb requires avahi-app, which (for as yet unexplained
reasons) won't even properly go through the configure step on my
system. (Se
In message <3jcA1ljpZsB1WBdNgXUe/mei...@snwcwk2deghgefqjleiqreaoikg>, you wrote
>Ronald, good day.
And a very good day to you also sir! Thanks for replying!
>Basically, because you're not intended to mess with the manual invocation
>of configure script. The proper thing to do is to edit ava
In message <15694.1262163...@tristatelogic.com>, I wrote:
># cd /usr/ports/graphics/gthumb
># make
>===> gthumb-2.10.11_1 depends on executable: gmake - found
>===> gthumb-2.10.11_1 depends on file: /usr/local/
Who is allegedly maintaining the graphics/dri port at this moment in time?
I would rather like to know, because it is in serious need of updating.
(The version upon which the port was based was apparently released on
June 23, 2009, and there have been numerous new releases since then.)
I wouldn
My question relates to a port that I am doing of gthumb v2.14.3 to
FreeBSD. Because gthumb is fundamentally a gnome application, I am
cross-posting my question to both the ports and gnome mailing lists.
(My apologies if that means that some of you see this twice.)
After a modest but unexpected a
In message <450d1c59-c403-463b-9c35-6af26f63d...@mac.com>, you wrote:
>On Apr 25, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> When I try to run the gthumb binary that I built and install, I am getting
>> the following perplexing error message:
>> /libex
In message
, you wrote:
>Without being able to look at the details in-depth myself, it looks like
>the shared object is looking for a symbol which the RTLD can't resolve.
That much seems self-evident. The error message itself in effect says
precisely that.
>The symbol is defined in the gthumb
Sorry for my late reply... I was tied up on other projects.
A few days ago, in a galaxy not far away...
In message <20120426080649.go2...@deviant.kiev.zoral.com.ua>,
Konstantin Belousov wrote:
>You need to pass --export-dynamic to the linker when linking binary that
>is supposed to export its
I have some old code I'm trying to get running again. It uses the
Perl module HTML::TreeBuilder (aka www/p5-HTML-Tree).
I did the following:
# pkg install p5-HTML-Tree
which completed with no problems, but now it appears that my installed
version of HTML::TreeBuilder craps out at:
What gives? Where is the missing .gz file?
% portupgrade graphics/graphviz
===> Found saved configuration for graphviz-2.30.1
=> graphviz-2.30.1.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch
In message <44k3p8pa1t@lowell-desk.lan>,
Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>"Ronald F. Guilmette" writes:
>> What gives? Where is the missing .gz file?
>> % portupgrade graphics/graphviz
>> ...
>> ===> Found saved configuration
>FWIW, I have fetched the distfile repeatedly over the past three days on a
>variety of systems with no problems at all. Slow at between 600 and 800
>kBps with my very well connected work system at the high end and my home
>system at the low end. I am also getting it from www.graphviz.org.
In message <44mwu3rqxn@lowell-desk.lan>, you wrote:
>I suspect that it's tied to the package building cluster problems. I'm
>not sure who to ask directly, so a PR is the right approach.
For the enlightment of those not in the know (which includes myself)
please do elaborate. What am "the pa
[[ I asked about this problem on the -questions list a couple of days
ago, but didn't get any relevant replies, so I'm trying again here
on the -ports list. Apologies if you see this twice. ]]
A couple of days ago my system just simply decided to power itself off
(twice) whilst I was in
Ok, first, my apologies to Leslie Jensen about the e-mail bounce. It is
nothing personal, believe me. I just have a personal policy of locally
blacklisting any and all domains that send me spam. (Apparently, at one
time or another, I received some spam from bjare.net.) I believe that
if _ever
A couple of three weeks ago or so, I experienced an unfortunate series
of three or four system crashes, all of which I ultimately found to
be attributable to CPU automatic over-temp shutdowns, where the reason
for the overheating turned out to be something really rather stupid.
Some cables inside
The subject line pretty much says it all.
As I explained here the other day, numerous of my installed ports
have semi-mysteriously had their corresponding +CONTENTS files
just disappear. I do have a backup of my /var partition, from which
I could, in theory, fetch replacements for the specific +
b.f. bf1783 at googlemail.com wrote:
>Yes, of course, this is a basic package management feature:
>pkg_info(1) with the "-g" flag.
>(The analogous part of the newer pkgng is described in pkg-check(8)
>from ports-mgmt/pkg.)
Thank you. I did not know about the -g option.
I have just now run tha
In message <518e1a51.3020...@cyberleo.net>, you wrote:
>On 05/10/2013 03:04 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> pkg_sanity: ImageMagick- +CONTENTS file does not exist -- skipped
>> pkg_sanity: ORBit2-2.14.19: /usr/local/lib/libORBit-2.so: File failed MD5
So, as I have now learned (and just as the post by CyberLeo Kitsana had
suggested) if one wishes to write a script to do the rough equivalent
of what "pkg_info -g" does, then one has to be mindful of the fact that
for those specific MD5 checksums contained in the various +CONTENTS
files within the
Well, I have looked a bit more at some of the files that posted about
just a short while ago. It turns out that pretty much all of the
remaining anomolies (i.e. MD5 mismatches) in package-related or port-
related files on my system can be attributed to either (a) some person
or else (b) some thin
What the hey?
# make
=> Python-2.7.3.tar.xz is not in /usr/ports/lang/python27/distinfo.
=> Either /usr/ports/lang/python27/distinfo is out of date, or
=> Python-2.7.3.tar.xz is spelled incorrectly.
*** [do-fetch] Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/py-tkinter.
The message is correct
I've just been fiddling with some unicode/utf-8 stuff, and managed
to figure out how to get both xterm and more (aka less) to properly
deal with utf-8 characters. It then occured to me that it might be
nice if I could cut and paste utf-8 stuff into vi, which is the text
editor that I happen to us
I've been updating all of my ports, which I confess I have not done
for some long time now, and I've managed to work past most of the
easy build problems, but I'm still stuck with two things that just
refuse to build, based on what's in the current ports tree:
! security/hydra (hydra-7.4
Why is the multimedia/libbluray port marked as IGNORE in the current ports
More to the point, why didn't whoever marked it as IGNORE have the simple
courtesy to put at least some explanitory note about the marking of this
port (as IGNORE) into the UPDATING file?
In message <20131004113101.GB42900@oldfaithful.bebik.local>, you wrote:
>I Made a check in the SVN and libbluray was never
>marked IGNORE, at least BROKEN for some java reasons.
Well, I'm just showing you what "portupgrade -a" reported...
- multimedia/libbluray (marked as IGNORE)
At the end of my effort to do "portupgrade -a", I got this:
! security/hydra (hydra-7.4.2) (fetch error)
Apparently, the source tarball for the current hydra port seems to be
nowhere to be found. How come? Shouldn't there _always_ be at least one
copy of the source tarball, somewhere
At the end of my recent attempt to do "portupgrade -a" I got this error:
! graphics/clutter-gtk (clutter-gtk-0.10.8_2) (unknown build error)
Aapparently, clutter-gtk configures OK, but then compiling it generates
a whole boat load of compile time errors. I tried the Makefile fix
In message <524f179d.8030...@yandex.ru>,
Ruslan Makhmatkhanov wrote:
>Ronald F. Guilmette wrote on 04.10.2013 23:11:
>> At the end of my effort to do "portupgrade -a", I got this:
>> ! security/hydra (hydra-7.4.2) (fetch error)
Oh geeezzz! Things are even more screwed up with the hydra port
that I thought!
I mentioned in my prior e-mail that the size of the hydra-7.5.tar.gz
file being reported by essentially all of the mirrors that are coded
into the current hydra port is in fact 681552... *not* 681784 bytes,
In message <524fd88e.5030...@yandex.ru>, you wrote:
>As I already said, I can't reproduce this problem even with updated url:
>root@smeshariki4:/usr/ports/security/hydra # make fetch
>===> License AGPLv3 accepted by the user
>===> Found saved configuration for hydra-7.5
>===> hydra-7.5 depe
Could someone (anyone) explain to me why the FreeBSD port of mplayer
has not been updated at all since March 8th of this year?
That seems like an awfully long time to go without any update.
freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
In message
, you wrote:
>On 8 October 2013 02:10, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> Could someone (anyone) explain to me why the FreeBSD port of mplayer
>> has not been updated at all since March 8th of this year?
>That is because I am preparing rough
Because I just switched from ruby1.8 to ruby1.9 I've had to
rebuild and reinstall my ports-mgmt/portupgrade port. That all
went well, but I got some messages at the end of the re-install
process that I've never noticed before, and they are all rather
befuddling to me:
In message <525c183f.7010...@yandex.ru>, you wrote:
>Ronald F. Guilmette wrote on 06.10.2013 01:34:
>>> make -V FETCH_CMD
>> Results:
>> /usr/bin/fetch -AFpr
>>> on your system? What FreeBSD version you are using?
In message <20131014184048.27851...@bsd64.grem.de>, you wrote:
>On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:13:51 +0400
>Ruslan Makhmatkhanov wrote:
>> Ronald F. Guilmette wrote on 06.10.2013 01:34:
>> >
>> >> make -V FETCH_CMD
>> >
>> > Results:
In message <0fc91d46cdc4b54132d12...@atuin.in.mat.cc>,
Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>+--On 22 novembre 2013 00:25:26 -0800 "Ronald F. Guilmette"
> wrote:
>| AUTHOR: m...@freebsd.org
>Cough, cough, yeah, I mostly wrote that.
>| portupgrade -o lang/per
In message <17d096510a47c61858d55...@atuin.in.mat.cc>,
Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>+--On 22 novembre 2013 12:40:07 -0800 "Ronald F. Guilmette"
> wrote:
>|1) Change the option in lang/perl5.16:
>| make -C /usr/ports/lang/perl5.16 config
>| HUH?? I d
Has anyone ever used a graphing tool (such as GraphViz) to create a
graph of all of the installed ports on a given system and their
I think that this would be interesting... and perhaps even useful...
to do, but it seems like such an obvious idea that I have to
guess that somebody e
In message ,
Michel Talon wrote:
>The following script
>does the job you want plus other things,
Thank you!
>but it was written for the old package
>system (i.e. it looks under /var/db/pkg).
That's OK. I am still using that.
>By the way i no
In message
Anton Afanasyev wrote:
>On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette > wrote:
>> OK, but please help me understand here. What is it, exactly, that is _now_
>> being threaded, that wasn't threaded before?
>> ...
>> (Part o
Having gotten past all the difficulties that related to Perl, I have
finally managed to update essentially all of my installed ports. (I
still have a small problem with the update for ffmpeg(2), but I'll
take that up later on.)
Unfortunately, after updating all my ports I find that I now have a
In message <845a2e7e540e58efd7f05...@atuin.in.mat.cc>,
Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>rfg wrote:
>| Why would _anything_ that is in any way dependent upon the Perl
>| interpreter need to be rebuilt? In this switch to threads=on, has the
>| language itself changed? And if not, shouldn't the change to
Given a list of all current FreeBSD ports/package, such as a (plain text
version) the list found here:
and assuming that all text past the ' -- ' has already been deleted
from each line, what would be a proper sort of sed command to extract
In message <5707553c.40...@quip.cz>, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:
>If you have the index stripped to
>This will do the trick
>sed 's/-[0-9a-z.,_+]*$//g' master-index.txt
Thank you. Your response made me realize that there's an even simpler
sed 's
I am bringing up a new 10.3-RELEASE system from scratch.
While doing so, I unfortunately rushed ahead and installed
several packages I knew I needed using the "pkg install"
command, but I neglected to look carefully at all of the
helpful post-install messages for each package. Most of
these post
In message <5707fd13.2060...@gmx.de>, olli hauer wrote:
>Try the command `pkg info -aD | less' or for a single package `pkg info -D $pa
Thank you. That seems to do the trick nicely.
freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
Seems to be the exact same problem described here (for Linux), and
in my case, also on an AMD 64 machine:
Is it really the AMD
I recently built & installed firefox-29.0,1 with debugging information.
That was just a day or so ago.
It has already dumped core twice.
Here is some info from the most recent one:
Core was generated by `firefox'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x0008012502
It just did it again.
Apparently there is something that firefox-29.0,1 does not like about
something at www.newegg.com. (A pity, since this is a very popular site.)
Stack traceback looks about the same as before
Core was generated by `firefox'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmenta
In message
Kevin Oberman wrote:
>No problems with www.newegg.com. Works fine for me.
Two questions:
1) Are you running on an AMD platform?
2) When you ran your test, did you first rebuild & reinstall Firefox with
these two build options enabled?
DEBUG -- Build with debugging
Looking at the Makefile for multimedia/smplayer it appears to me
that smplayer is dependent upon the 1.x version of mplayer being
installed, however there exists what I would guess is a later
and better version of mplayer called multimedia/mplayer2 in the
ports tree.
So why is smplayer dependent
Please allow me to clarify two things:
1) The exact set of build options that are needed in order to reproduce
the crash I have reported are as follows:
DBUS (enabled by default)
GIO (enabled by default)
GSTREAMER (enabled by default)
ALSA (enabled by defaul
I rarely update my installed ports. I do it only every few months.
Unfortunately, when I tried to do it a few days ago (using "portupgrade -a")
I neglected to read over the last several thousand lines of the UPDATING
file, in particular this entry:
I just submitted the following PR:
I was a bit flabberghasted to believe that such file conflicts between
ports was even possible. Seeing that it is possible prompted me to
write the attached small Perl script, which can quickly find all such
I built the latest multimedia/ffmpeg and now it won't install, due
to the error(s) shown below.
Is there a known fix for this?
P.S. Apparently this error:
pkg_add: leave_playpen: can't chdir back to ''
has been publically discussed since at least January, 2012. In all that
time, why ha
In message
Kevin Oberman wrote:
>On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette
>> share/doc/ffmpeg/swscale.txt: Could not unlink
>> share/doc/ffmpeg/tablegen.txt: Could not unlink
>> share/doc/ffmpeg/viterbi.txt: Could not unlink
>> tar:
1) Is anybody planning to work on this problem?
2) How has it been possible to fix other problems in the FreeBSD port of
Firefox if nobody is even able to run the thing when it has been
built with debugging enabled?
(May I saf
Firefox has, for me 9and on FreeBSD) always exhibited some amount
of quirky behavior... occasionally freezing for several second or
more, for no apparently good reason, during which time, clicking
on *anything* within any of the open firefox windows simply produces
no response whatsoever.
I wrote:
> Since I last updated my ports a couple of weeks ago, the problem
> has gotten DRAMATICALLY worse. Now Firefox is choking up frequently,
> and for perhaps 10-20 second each time, on virutally every web site
> that I visit.
I manually rebuilt and re-installed the nspluginwr
In message <20140603042442.ge...@lena.kiev>,
l...@lena.kiev.ua wrote:
> From: "Ronald F. Guilmette"
>> In section (Firefox and Adobe?? Flash?? Plugin) of
>> the above Handbook page, Step #3 says:
>> # ln -s /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-f1
In message <51901.1401770...@server1.tristatelogic.com>, I wrote:
>I wrote:
>> Since I last updated my ports a couple of weeks ago, the problem
>> has gotten DRAMATICALLY worse. Now Firefox is choking up frequently,
>> and for perhaps 10-20 second each time, on virutally every web site
>> th
Functionally, what is the difference between:
pkg_delete Y
cd /usr/ports/X/Y; make deinstall
P.S. Yes, yes. I know. I am _supposed_ to be only using pkgng,
but if you are able to do so, please answer my question anyway.
In message <20140604195803.gj2...@home.opsec.eu>,
Kurt Jaeger wrote:
>> > I spoke too soon.
>> >
>> > The problem is back again.
>> >
>> > As a friend of mine used to say "Problems that go away by themselves
>> > come back by themselves".
>> Try changing "gfx.xrender.enabled" from
64 matches
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