Commit request for #233580 (graphics/cloudcompare: Remove qPCL plugin to fix compile errors)

2018-12-03 Thread Neel Chauhan
, Neel Chauhan === ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Dropping maintainership for www/miniminiweb

2018-12-19 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, May I please drop maintainership for www/miniminiweb only? However, I still want to maintain other ports. Thanks, Neel Chauhan === ___ mailing list

Committing updates for three ports (graphics/py-glfw, sysutils/zrep, and misc/py-tqdm)

2019-11-18 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@ mailing list, Could someone please be able to commit updates for these three ports: * graphics/py-glfw (Bugzilla: * misc/py-tqdm (Bugzilla: * sysutils/zr

Re: Committing updates for three ports (graphics/py-glfw, sysutils/zrep, and misc/py-tqdm)

2019-11-19 Thread Neel Chauhan
Thanks! -Neel On 2019-11-19 05:01, Koichiro Iwao wrote: Hi! Everything has been committed. On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 02:44:16PM -0500, Neel Chauhan wrote: Hi freebsd-ports@ mailing list, Could someone please be able to commit updates for these three ports: * graphics/py-glfw (Bugzilla

13-CURRENT r355560: GNOME and KDE crash when logging in

2019-12-10 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-current@, freebsd-ports@ mailing lists, When I updated my laptop to r355560, I could boot into GDM, but logging into GNOME led to a coredump and brought me back to GDM. I tried KDE, but logging in via SDDM also led to a crash. I noted a lot of changes to the VM subsystem have happe

Re: devel/libgtop build error

2019-12-16 Thread Neel Chauhan
I also have a patch. It has been accepted into GNOME's libgtop repo, but not the Ports tree yet. Someone should commit it. I have been using GNOME with the patched libgtop on my desktop and laptop (both 13-CURRENT). -Neel === On 2019-12-16 10:53, Jan Beich wrote: Ni

Committing updates to two ports

2019-12-26 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, Could a committer please review and commit these two updates: * (net/yaz) * (misc/py-tqdm) -Neel ===

Unable to run "pkg update -f" on 13-CURRENT

2020-03-01 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, I am running FreeBSD 13-CURRENT and I am getting this error on a "pkg update": pkg: wrong architecture: FreeBSD:13.0:amd64 instead of FreeBSD:13:amd64 pkg: repository FreeBSD contains packages with wrong ABI: FreeBSD:13.0:amd64 I am running FreeBSD 13-CURRENT r358510. Wh

Dropping maintainership of my Ports

2020-03-27 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, I would like to drop maintainership for the following Ports: databases/py-mysqlclient deskutils/go-for-it devel/grpc devel/libnsutils devel/libparserutils devel/netsurf-buildsystem devel/nsgenbind dns/libnspsl emulators/nestopia graphics/cloudcompare graphics/glfw graphics/lib

Dropping misc/py-tqdm

2020-05-08 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, I am no longer interested in maintaining Ports, and most of my Ports have had their maintainership reset. However, misc/py-tqdm has not been reset. Could someone please reset misc/py-tqdm? -Neel === ___

Committing New Ports on Bugzilla

2020-12-31 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, I hope you all had a great holiday season. I have a couple of New Ports which I would like someone to commit. The Ports are: * * *

Looking at a few Ports updates and adoptions

2021-01-01 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, If one of you don't mind, could you please commit these following Ports updates (and one adoption)? * * *

Re: Looking at a few Ports updates and adoptions

2021-01-01 Thread Neel Chauhan
While you're at it, could you also look at: * * -Neel On 2021-01-01 19:16, Neel Chauhan wrote: Hi freebsd-ports@, If one of you don't mind, could you please co

Re: Committing New Ports on Bugzilla

2021-01-01 Thread Neel Chauhan
Thanks! -Neel On 2021-01-01 02:07, Kurt Jaeger wrote: Hi! * * * *

MFH commit issues

2021-02-11 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@, I made a MFH commit for www/oauth2-proxy which was a security update. However, when I did it, it initially didn't MFH. To "commit" it, I had to run "svn propdel svn:mergeinfo www". After this, it didn't really do the MFH but instead says "props deleted". Sorry for the issu

Re: MFH commit issues

2021-02-11 Thread Neel Chauhan
Also, I am not able to MFH this port for some reason. Please help. Also, could someone with access to 2021Q1 revert r564996 and MFH r564995 on my behalf? Sorry if I made a big mistake here. I was trying to commit the MFH but couldn't. -Neel On 2021-02-11 21:19, Neel Chauhan wrote

Re: MFH commit issues [UPDATE: (hopefully) RESOLVED]

2021-02-11 Thread Neel Chauhan
I realized this port doesn't exist in 2021Q1 since it's so new, and that's why I couldn't MFH. I reverted this in r564997. Sorry for the confusion, and sorry again if I committed in the wrong place, and sorry yet again if I sent too many emails. -Neel On 2021-02-11

Phabricator Review: Updating the GNUstep Ports

2021-02-13 Thread Neel Chauhan
: update to 0.28.0 But since this is a big update and involves bumping a lot of PORTVERSIONs, could one of you committers please review this? -Neel Chauhan (nc@) signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Phabricator Review: Updating the GNUstep Ports

2021-02-13 Thread Neel Chauhan
The phrase "The Port" in this email should mean "This patch", sorry for the wrong wording. -Neel On 2021-02-13 14:15, Neel Chauhan wrote: Hi freebsd-ports@, I have a review on Phabricator to update the GNUstep Ports: The Port main

Updating emulators/i386-wine-devel but get a runtime error

2021-02-23 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports@ I recently adopted emulators/i386-wine-devel and am attempting to update it to 6.2 along with adding 14.0 support. Phabricator URL: When I attempt to run the `wine` command, I get this error: root@omen:/usr/

Re: Updating emulators/i386-wine-devel but get a runtime error

2021-02-23 Thread Neel Chauhan
Nevermind, it was that WINEDLLPATH was missing. -Neel On 2021-02-23 13:01, Neel Chauhan wrote: Hi freebsd-ports@ I recently adopted emulators/i386-wine-devel and am attempting to update it to 6.2 along with adding 14.0 support. Phabricator URL: When I

Maintainer timeout on textproc/py-markdown update on Bugzilla - safe to commit?

2021-05-04 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi, There is an update to the port textproc/py-markdown but the maintainer, koobs@ has not responded even when (I believe) it could be committed. Bugzilla PR: Assuming no dependent ports have an issue with this update, would it be safe

Looking at new port deskutils/currtime

2015-01-23 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports Mailing List, I have a new FreeBSD port deskutils/currtime, which is a command-line operated real time clock. Keep in mind that right now, deskutils/currtime is just a command-line based clock without any additional frills,

security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout

2016-05-25 Thread Neel Chauhan
isn't committing them, nor is any other port maintainer doing so, and therefore, security/tor-devel does not have a "Maintainer Timeout" status. Tor isn't a very complex software compilation like GNOME or KDE, so why isn't it being updated? Just to let you be awa

sysutils/goaccess and Maintainer Timeout

2016-06-09 Thread Neel Chauhan
ter&method=match&query=sbz&num=10&orderby=category&orderbyupdown=asc&search=Search)), > I figured out that he was last active in April and it is likely that he is >busy enough to not look at Bugzilla reports. Just to make you aware of this (like I did for

Is anybody working on a FreeBSD Port for the Pantheon desktop

2016-11-27 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi freebsd-ports, I am wondering if anybody is working on a FreeBSD Port for the Pantheon desktop (the DE used in Elementary OS)? If not, I am happily willing to work on a port (or even if someone is, if they want help, I can help). Thank You, Neel Chauhan ===

[patch] - Fix for "Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to init Log options"

2014-04-03 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi, I have a patch to fix the "Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to init Log options" problem whenever I start Tor on FreeBSD. It is: --- Makefile.old2014-04-03 19:48:25.0 -0400 +++ Makefile2014-04-03 19:49:57.0 -0400 @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ CONFLICTS= tor-deve

[patch] - Fix for "Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to init Log options"

2014-04-03 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi, I have a patch to fix the "Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to init Log options" problem whenever I start Tor on FreeBSD. It is: --- Makefile.old2014-04-03 19:48:25.0 -0400 +++ Makefile2014-04-03 19:49:57.0 -0400 @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ CONFLICTS= tor-deve

Re: [patch] - Fix for "Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to init Log options"

2014-04-03 Thread Neel Chauhan
Hi, Sorry for the duplicate email. -Neel ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""