A recent update of fuse has rendered unionfs unusable, it seems... I
hadn't portupgraded my FreeBSD 6_2_STABLE in a while, so when I just
did, unionfs stopped working. I don't know what version of fusefs-kmod
and fusefs-libs I had when it worked, but now I've got:
I've noticed a bug in this recent version of Samba which forced me to
downgrade to version 3.0.24,1. It has something to do with
fusefs-unionfs, but I don't know how.
(The port fusefs-unionfs does only work if you install fusefs-libs
version <2.7.0, if you want to test this out. I had to use
.7.0 on gentoo linux and everything works fine...
> Sincerely
> Radek Podgorny
> P.S.: I've noticed the "patching for freebsd" line. Are there any
> specific modifications needed? Could you send them to me so I can
> incorporate the upstream?