FreeBSD Port: apache-2.2.13

2009-08-25 Thread Joseph Bruni
Hello, The apache22 rc.d start script probably needs to add some logic to load the accf_data kernel module which is used for SSL connections. Currently, the script only loads accf_http when needed. Cheers. -Joe [r...@tornado /usr/local/etc/rc.d]# kldstat Id Refs AddressSize Name 1

FreeBSD Port: snort-

2009-09-10 Thread Joseph Bruni
Hello, Could you update the snort port to expose the "--enable-ipv6" build option to the "config" phase? Regards, Joe Bruni

FreeBSD Port: base-1.4.4

2010-04-19 Thread Joseph Bruni
Hello, I was wondering if I could nudge you to update Base to 1.4.5. The current 1.4.4 is no longer compatible with PHP 5.3.2 found in the ports tree. /usr/ports/security/base Joe ___ mailing list

FreeBSD Port: subversion-1.9.3_1 cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.26_3

2016-01-05 Thread Joseph Bruni
Hello, I recently struggled with getting subversion with SASL to work with LDAP authentication on freebsd 10.2. Both subversion (1.9.3) and SASL (2.1.26) were install from ports. For the most part configuration followed the documentation, but there was one hitch. I'm not sure if this is someth

FreeBSD Port: proxyper-347

2016-03-25 Thread Joseph Bruni
Greetings, When installing proxyper from ports, the directory /usr/local/, ownership is normally set to root:wheel. However, the proxyper daemon is configured in the startup script to run as the "nobody" user. Since the daemon needs to write into this directory, the instal