WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-21 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
[cross-posted to the WireGuard mailing list] Hello FreeBSD Ports List, I'm the author of WireGuard [1], a secure network tunnel protocol [2] and a set of implementations of it. It was originally designed for the Linux kernel, but we're now beginning to have implementations for other platforms. Re

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-21 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
Hi Chris, Wonderful! Feel free to poke me on IRC -- I'm zx2c4 in #wireguard on Freenode -- if you need any pointers in real time. Some odds and ends that might help: to have a tarball of the latest git master, you can use these links: https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/snapshot/WireGuard-master.tar

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-21 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 2:33 AM, Outback Dingo wrote: > to be honest, while it sounds nice, i for one would prefer to see a > kernel module ported to FreeBSD instead of userland > second to that, building a freebsd port of it is not all that hard, > however that being said, it also needs to be acc

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-22 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
Hi Bernhard, Thanks for this. Hopefully this will be good inspiration for Chris' research in making the official package. Chris -- one thing to note is that Bernhard used the "-master" tarballs, which aren't real tarballs and have changing unstable checksums, so you'll of course want to swap this

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-23 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:35 PM, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > 2. wireguard-go > Runtime dependencies: none > Buildtime dependencies: gmake, go > Build: export GOPATH=$(pwd)/gopath; go get -d; gmake > Install: gmake PREFIX=/usr/local install > URL template: > https://git.z

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-23 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
We now have a release, so the full instructions for the packages are: 1. wireguard-tools, providing wg(8) and wg-quick(8) Runtime dependencies: bash, wireguard-go Buildtime dependencies: gmake, c compiler, libc Build: gmake -C src/tools WITH_WGQUICK=yes Install: gmake -C src/tools PREFIX=/usr/loca

Re: WireGuard for FreeBSD

2018-05-24 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Jan Bramkamp wrote: > Did I understand correctly that both these ports are userspace > implementations and have a similar per packet overhead to OpenVPN and fastd? Indeed they're userspace ports. Maybe down the line this will be ported to the FreeBSD kernel like

[PATCH] net/bird2: add multicast patch from bird mailing list

2021-04-15 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
This patch was made in response to a FreeBSD networking discussion and is important in enabling babel support on interfaces that are neither pointtopoint nor broadcast. The upstream patch submission is: https://bird.network.cz/pipermail/bird-users/2021-April/015415.html --- net/bird2/files/patch-

Re: [PATCH] net/bird2: add multicast patch from bird mailing list

2021-04-17 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
Hi Olivier, Great! Thanks for doing that. Now just waiting for Bernhard to bump wireguard-kmod to the latest, and we'll have working babel-over-wg again: https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2021-April/006634.html Jason ___ freebsd-ports@freebsd