[cross-posted to the WireGuard mailing list]
Hello FreeBSD Ports List,
I'm the author of WireGuard [1], a secure network tunnel protocol [2]
and a set of implementations of it. It was originally designed for the
Linux kernel, but we're now beginning to have implementations for
other platforms. Re
Hi Chris,
Wonderful! Feel free to poke me on IRC -- I'm zx2c4 in #wireguard on
Freenode -- if you need any pointers in real time.
Some odds and ends that might help: to have a tarball of the latest
git master, you can use these links:
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 2:33 AM, Outback Dingo wrote:
> to be honest, while it sounds nice, i for one would prefer to see a
> kernel module ported to FreeBSD instead of userland
> second to that, building a freebsd port of it is not all that hard,
> however that being said, it also needs to be acc
Hi Bernhard,
Thanks for this. Hopefully this will be good inspiration for Chris'
research in making the official package.
Chris -- one thing to note is that Bernhard used the "-master"
tarballs, which aren't real tarballs and have changing unstable
checksums, so you'll of course want to swap this
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:35 PM, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> 2. wireguard-go
> Runtime dependencies: none
> Buildtime dependencies: gmake, go
> Build: export GOPATH=$(pwd)/gopath; go get -d; gmake
> Install: gmake PREFIX=/usr/local install
> URL template:
> https://git.z
We now have a release, so the full instructions for the packages are:
1. wireguard-tools, providing wg(8) and wg-quick(8)
Runtime dependencies: bash, wireguard-go
Buildtime dependencies: gmake, c compiler, libc
Build: gmake -C src/tools WITH_WGQUICK=yes
Install: gmake -C src/tools PREFIX=/usr/loca
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Jan Bramkamp wrote:
> Did I understand correctly that both these ports are userspace
> implementations and have a similar per packet overhead to OpenVPN and fastd?
Indeed they're userspace ports. Maybe down the line this will be
ported to the FreeBSD kernel like
This patch was made in response to a FreeBSD networking discussion and
is important in enabling babel support on interfaces that are neither
pointtopoint nor broadcast.
The upstream patch submission is:
Hi Olivier,
Great! Thanks for doing that.
Now just waiting for Bernhard to bump wireguard-kmod to the latest,
and we'll have working babel-over-wg again: