Kris Kennaway wrote:
> peter bird wrote:
>> pulsarity# timeseal
>> Bad system call
> Use ktrace to determine what the syscall is.
It uses compat.sigaction.
1199 timeseal CALL compat.sigaction
1199 timeseal RET compat.sigaction -1 errno 78 Function not implemented
Jaromir Prinzler wrote:
> I have look in your source on
> "/usr/ports/net/ncplib/work/ncplib-1.3.4/lib/ncp". On file "ncpl_nls.c" i
> can find the russian tables to convert
> the characters.
> static u_int8_t alt2koi8[] = {
> 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f, /* 0x0
Hello Mark,
thank you for the report. It's a long time ago when I wrote the code. I
suppose something fundamental has changed in the kernel in the meantime.
Unfortunately I'm very busy at the moment, so I can't have a closer look
at it now. I put the issue on my to do list and I will deal with it
> Once in a while a port fails to upgrade, because it wants to write
> something in /etc. E.g. perl into /etc/make.conf or other ports into
> /etc/group.
> On my systems / is normally a read only mount. These ports build fine
> during a portupgrade and fail during install, leaving most of the por
you can use the Call of Duty server easily. Just make sure that you've
installed emulators/linux_base-8 and loaded the kernel module linux.ko.
Extract the files from the archive that contains the Call of Duty linux
server and start the with "/your/path/coduo_lnxded" and parameters.
I need some help to repair the broken port mysqltcl. It worked for a
long time without problems but approximately one week ago something
changed fundametally so that it doesn't compile anymore on pointyhat.
I started to investigate the problem but I can't find the reason.
Currently I
Dear mysqltcl users,
the mysqltcl port is currently broken because a header of the MySQL
5.0.24a client port is faulty. If you use an older version of MySQL then
mysqltcl builds without problems. Install it with
make -DNO_IGNORE install clean
If you use MySQL 5.0.24a then copy the attached