Trial Offer. Disinfectant Kills Flu/MRSA For 24 Hours.

2009-11-17 Thread AliMed enews
ectant Trial Offer Ends 12/4 2 Bottles For $18.99! Kills In Minutes, Keeps Killing For 24 Hours Powerful And Safe Saves Time and Money Spectrum 24's long l= asting formula helps reduce the risk of spreading infection in crowded envi= ronments. And, because you

Flu-Season Sale. 24-Hour Hand Sanitizer. Save 30% Free Shipping.

2011-01-18 Thread AliMed enews
ry formula gives you everything you want= in a hand sanitizer -- 24-hour effectiveness, gentleness, safety, and econ= omy. Don't wait until flu= season peaks. Stock up now. [11]LEARN MORE 3D"" 3D"" Welcome to AliMed eNews [=

MRSA...Kill it dead

2008-03-04 Thread AliMed eNews
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Wipe Out The MRSA Threat

2008-03-06 Thread AliMed eNews
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Don't Let MRSA Get Under Your Skin!

2008-03-13 Thread AliMed eNews
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How To Kill MRSA On Any Surface

2008-03-25 Thread AliMed eNews
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How To Kill MRSA On Any Surface

2008-03-25 Thread AliMed eNews
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Westcot Beds. Buy Any Quantity At The 1,000 Piece Price.

2008-08-06 Thread AliMed eNews
s a clipboard, the other provides for the Westcot Four-Color Triage Flip F= lag (sold separately). [17] LEARN MORE 3D"" _ 3D"" [18]<= span style=" font-family: Arial; font-size: medium;">...See more emergenc= y preparedness