Hi Craig,
I notice that the Espressif ESP32 toolchain port is currently at version
1.22.0.g20171219 (which uses gcc 5.2.0), though the current stable version
of esp-idf (v4.0.1) requires toolchain esp-2019r2 and gcc-8.2.0. Do you
have any plans to update the port?
Peter Jeremy
Can anyone shed light on why the arduino port is still present?
It seems to be superceded by the arduino18 port. There is no info
in UPDATING for either, and the pkg-dmesg files say the same thing.
arduino does not find the device when run as a non-privileged user
on 11.3-RELEASE, and is unusabl
On 2020-06-03 02:42, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> I notice that the Espressif ESP32 toolchain port is currently at version
> 1.22.0.g20171219 (which uses gcc 5.2.0), though the current stable version
> of esp-idf (v4.0.1) requires toolchain esp-2019r2 and gcc-8.2.0. Do you
> have any plans to update the