On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 6:13 AM Tim Rice wrote:
> How about checking the git log and doing a git diff.
> git clone git://git.geda-project.org/gerbv.git
> Looks like README-cvs.txt was pulled and README-git.txt added.
That should also work. Ash, Could you also check these?
I've got a system where I had to install a few Python libraries with
pip, but I don't like this, since pkg info will not list them.
Thus I'm trying to port them, but I never ported Python libraries
before; so, before I submit my work, I thought I'd ask if someone more
experienced than
> I've got a system where I had to install a few Python libraries with pip,
> but I don't like this, since pkg info will not list them.
> Thus I'm trying to port them, but I never ported Python libraries before;
> so, before I submit my work, I thought I'd ask if someone more
> experienced
Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> I've got a system where I had to install a few Python libraries with
> pip, but I don't like this, since pkg info will not list them.
> Thus I'm trying to port them, but I never ported Python libraries
> before; so, before I submit my work, I thought I'd ask if someone
On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 6:38 PM Kevin P. Neal wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 01:01:52AM -0600, Greg Rivers wrote:
> > As of last August, Microsoft have relaxed the patent restrictions on
> > exFAT[1].
> >
> > Can the Makefile LICENSE_PERMS_MSPAT restrictions be removed from
> > sysutils/fuse
On 30/12/2019 4:54 am, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
Hi Andrea, nice first job on a Python port :)
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