Both Postfix 3.4 stable release and Postfix 3.5 experimental release
were released over a month ago. In fact, the stable release is now at
Postfix 3.4.4.
The posts system still has postfix-3.3.3,1 as the stable release and
Postfix-3.4.20181202,5 as the development release.
I am just inquiring to
> On Feb 28, 2019, at 7:01 PM, Yuri wrote:
> It resolves to the IP, and pings work, but it can't be contacted on 443 or 80.
I only just saw this email, while looking for other things.
I have details: it was a software error.
The site was offline from about 630 PM EST until about 9:20 AM the
On 21 Mar 2019, at 06:25, Carmel NY wrote:
> I am just inquiring to find out if there is any specific reason for
> these ports not being updated. In the past, the releases and the
> FreeBSD ports system were kept virtually in sync.
There was some talk when 3.4.0 came out about withdrawing it, and
after update port to py36-matplotlib-2.2.3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 6, in
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/",
line 31, in
import matplotlib.colorbar
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.
Yes, it's a new requirement[1]. I prepared a patch[2] for v2.2.4 with
[3] http