I am trying to build latest mongodb in poudriere.
With 2Gb RAM + 2Gb swap it failed:
Feb 13 11:34:42 pkg kernel: pid 1885 (ld), uid 0, was killed: out of swap space
I bumped RAM to 4Gb but it failed again.
Should I keep increasing RAM or is there some other solution to it?
Marko Cupać
On 2015-02-13 04:50, Marko Cupać wrote:
I am trying to build latest mongodb in poudriere.
With 2Gb RAM + 2Gb swap it failed:
Feb 13 11:34:42 pkg kernel: pid 1885 (ld), uid 0, was killed: out of
swap space
I bumped RAM to 4Gb but it failed again.
Should I keep increasing RAM or is there
I upgraded pkg to today to 1.4.10 and got the following new (and
different) warning:
{142} # pkg upgrade
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Updating database digests format: 100%
Checking for upgrades (43 candidates): 97%
Can some committer look at:
Larry Rosenman http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640 E-Mail: l...@lerctr.org
US Mail: 108 Turvey Cove, Hutto, TX 78634-5688
> Can some committer look at:
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=197388
Done, thanks!
p...@opsec.eu+49 171 3101372 5 years to go !
freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list
I'm a little perplexed. I can build the new port security/kstart using
make, but not portmaster. The latter seems to substitute the value for
I use port security/heimdal for all ports so I added to the Makefile file
PATH_KRB5_CONFIG= /usr/local/bin/krb5-config
When I bui