Am I the only one having severe issue with inkscape from the ports?
I'm using 0.46_6, without a config option and its 129 dependancies
(see attached output of pkg_info) on a FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT r198491.
Adding a layer is simply impossible, inkscape freezes and there is
no other way to kill
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On 03.11.2009 15:07 Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
> Yes it would :) I'm hoping to have some time to return to ports work
> after ApacheCon US 2009 ends.
> If some comitter wants to add this go for it.
Done. Can I add the same patch to mail/rubygem-act
Mike Jakubik wrote:
> It seems that this recent patch introduced a new dependency on bison from
> the ports tree. When i performed an portupgrade of 'bash-4.0.33' to
> 'bash-4.0.33_2' a new dependency for bison appeared.
No, the dependency on bison had already been introduced earlier.
(The updat
* Guy Brand (g...@unistra.fr) wrote:
> Am I the only one having severe issue with inkscape from the ports?
> I'm using 0.46_6, without a config option and its 129 dependancies
> (see attached output of pkg_info) on a FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT r198491.
> Adding a layer is simply impossible, inkscape free
It seems that this recent patch introduced a new dependency on bison from
the ports tree. When i performed an portupgrade of 'bash-4.0.33' to
'bash-4.0.33_2' a new dependency for bison appeared. Was this the intended
behavior? I am just curious as it was not needed before.
Dear Maintainers of MailScanner port,
I updated the Sophos virus scan engine to version 4.47 on a computer
running FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE amd64.
The new engine uses, besides the old virus databases files, new files
called xvd??.vdb
To have it working I had to modify the script sophos-autoupdate