On Friday 21 September 2007 18:22:08 Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
> I have a problem porting a piece of software that use
> getline(char**, int*, FILE*). This function is only present in glibc
> so I wonder what do I do in this case? Maybe there is some port which
> provides required functionality (like
hi there,
i wanted to try the new version too, so i followed your steps. attached
you'll find a diff for the port. i did not submit via send-pr because
i've never done a port myself and i think it's in a bad shape:
- did not check redundant or additinal dependencies
- missing man pages in the
Greg Rivers wrote:
After upgrading to 7.3 I noticed that xorgcfg is no longer installed.
It is no longer included in the x11-servers/xorg-server port, but does
still appear to be installed by x11-servers/xorg-server-snap. Is this
Yes, it has been removed from the build.
I've noticed the following error while building openoffice.org 2.3.0 on
6.2-STABLE (amd64). Knobs used were WITH_TTF_BYTECODE_ENABLED and WITH_CUPS
Building project freetype
mkout -- version: 1.7
Running doxygen from a makefile I get a lot of messages like the
following ones:
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so.4:
Undefined symbol "gd_alternate_fontlist"
Problems running dot: exit code=1, command='dot',
arguments='"xxx__incl.dot" -Tpng -o "xxx__incl.png"
I apologize if this is considered OT.
I've got a primary mailserver with sendmail+cyrus and two backup
mailservers which forward messages to the primary.
In order to allow for rejection at the SMTP dialogue level, I started
using ckuser_cyrus.m4 (which comes with the sendmail port).
The prima
Hash: SHA256
Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> I apologize if this is considered OT.
> I've got a primary mailserver with sendmail+cyrus and two backup
> mailservers which forward messages to the primary.
> In order to allow for rejection at the SMTP dialogue level
> I noticed at the callgrind download page
> (http://kcachegrind.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/show.cgi/KcacheGrindDownload)
> that the separate package is now obsolete since it's been merged with
> Valgrind 3.2.x. Should devel/callgrind therefore be marked obsolete?
Yes, proba
On Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 04:01:17PM +0200, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so.4:
> Undefined symbol "gd_alternate_fontlist"
> Problems running dot: exit code=1, command='dot',
> arguments='"xxx__incl.dot" -Tpng -o "xxx__incl.png"'
I'm seeing th