> > Is there a way, with pkg, to list all installed packages belonging to a
> > particular category, such as www?
> > I know
> > pkg info -a
> > lists all installed packages,
> > but I want to list all packages from a particular category, such as www,
> > databases, security, lang or the like.
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 01:12:27PM +, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> Is there a way, with pkg, to list all installed packages belonging to a
> particular category, such as www?
> I know
> pkg info -a
> lists all installed packages,
> but I want to list all packages from a particular category, suc
Is there a way, with pkg, to list all installed packages belonging to a
particular category, such as www?
I know
pkg info -a
lists all installed packages,
but I want to list all packages from a particular category, such as www,
databases, security, lang or the like.