Hi list,
add the variable in make:
# make install clean WITHOUT_GSSAPI=1
work fine now.
* Luiz Gustavo (luizgust...@luizgustavo.pro.br) wrote:
> Hi list !!!
> I'm not able to do my mutt-devel work, I am with the following error
> below:
> [lgcosta@desktop] ~> mutt
> Undefi
Hi list !!!
I'm not able to do my mutt-devel work, I am with the following error
[lgcosta@desktop] ~> mutt
Undefined symbol "gss_nt_service_name" referenced from COPY relocation
in /usr/local/bin/mutt[lgcosta@desktop] ~>
[lgcosta@desktop] ~>
[lgcosta@desktop] ~> uname -a
FreeBSD desktop.