On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:15:38 +0300
Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
AP> I've just updated fsvs port to the latest fsvs version. As usual,
AP> no warranties.
AP> New fsvs port may be found at
AP> http://sfedu.ru/~alp/other/fsvs122.tar.bz2 .
may be better way - fill pr with subject [NEW
I've just updated fsvs port to the latest fsvs version. As usual, no
New fsvs port may be found at http://sfedu.ru/~alp/other/fsvs122.tar.bz2 .
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Computer Center of South Federal Unive
Here is a link to the port..
Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
I've attached it. Maybe mailing list software cut it... I'll publish it
and post a link later...
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Computer Center of South Federal Un
I've attached it. Maybe mailing list software cut it... I'll publish it
and post a link later...
Sergey V. Dyatko wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 10:16:14 +0300
Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
AP> Hello.
AP> This is my port for fsvs 1.2.1 (a tool which allow you to store
AP> your filesystem versio
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 10:16:14 +0300
Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
AP> Hello.
AP> This is my port for fsvs 1.2.1 (a tool which allow you to store
AP> your filesystem versions in subversion repository in quite a
AP> flexible way, including file permissions and without a lot of .svn
AP> dirs, http://fsvs.
This is my port for fsvs 1.2.1 (a tool which allow you to store your
filesystem versions in subversion repository in quite a flexible way,
including file permissions and without a lot of .svn dirs,
http://fsvs.tigris.org/). It works for me (tested in amd64 jailed
environment on FreeBSD