> This is an excerpt from the original build log that failed. Notice that
> there is nothing about a missing or incorrect library. I am not sure
> exactly how this works. I assume that samba43 did not check to make
> sure it was the correct version at this point in the build.
There are cases
On Sun, 27 Mar 2016 18:01:27 -0700, Kevin Oberman stated:
>The error indicates that this port (samba43) was not updated after
>gnutls was updated and is still linked to the old version. the old
>version installed the .so.28 while hte nes one installes .so.30.
>gutls was just updated to using lib
On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Carmel wrote:
> I just updated gnutls and then attemped to update samba43. That failed.
> Attempting to start samba43 fails. Running "testparm" produces this
> output:
> Shared object "libgnutls.so.28" not found, required by
> "libauthkrb5-samba4.so".
> --
> C
I just updated gnutls and then attemped to update samba43. That failed.
Attempting to start samba43 fails. Running "testparm" produces this
Shared object "libgnutls.so.28" not found, required by