Re: FreeBSD Port: ghostscript9-9.06_8

2014-12-08 Thread Hiroki Sato
Ian Lord wrote in : lo> We have some issues with imageMagick which has a dependencie to this lo> port and I've been told the problem is due to the old version of lo> ghostscript I am using... lo> lo> >From this release history page: lo> >

FreeBSD Port: ghostscript9-9.06_8

2014-11-20 Thread Ian Lord
Hi, Sorry to bother you, but I have a question about the ghostscript9 port... We have some issues with imageMagick which has a dependencie to this port and I've been told the problem is due to the old version of ghostscript I am using... >From this release history page: >http://www.ghostscrip