Normally duplicate INDEX entries in the default config annoy one of us
portmgrs and we go try to figure them out.
On my own system I usually see this as a result of previously installed
dependencies e.g. cvsup_without_gui IIRC.
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 12:39:34 +
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 13/02/2012 11:44, Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> > I've been seeing the following it seems like forever in my nightly
> > scheduled ports tree maintenance script output:
> >
> > Starting rebuild of INDEX-10 at Mon Feb 13 03:52:55 CST 201
On 13/02/2012 11:44, Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> I've been seeing the following it seems like forever in my nightly
> scheduled ports tree maintenance script output:
> Starting rebuild of INDEX-10 at Mon Feb 13 03:52:55 CST 2012
> Generating INDEX-10 - please wait..Warning: Duplicate INDEX en
I've been seeing the following it seems like forever in my nightly
scheduled ports tree maintenance script output:
Starting rebuild of INDEX-10 at Mon Feb 13 03:52:55 CST 2012
Generating INDEX-10 - please wait..Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry:
gdb-insight-6.6 Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: petsc-