> Heh, update your ports-tree. libxul19 is gone.
> % grep libxul19 /usr/ports/MOVED
> www/libxul19|www/libxul|2013-06-15|Has been vulnerable for a long
> time, unsupported upstream
> www/libxul has 24.0.
Version 24.0 does not work with conkeror, whatever
I try.
Also, I have problem updating anoth
Somebody succeeded to compile libxul19?
9.2, amd64.
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Upgraded to 9.2 release. Using pkg, I go up for
conkeror to 20090821_5. Dependency was libxul-24.0.
Error message is that libxul version was wrong, when
I tried to start the browser.
Packages have libxul 17.0.8 on the server. Should
I go after that version?
Amd64. I will provide with moredata if ne