[KDE / QT FreeBSD users] CALL FOR HELPERS: Please contribute to the project! Thanks!

2008-06-18 Thread Sticky Bit
se? Please subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] at https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-freebsd and mail your questions, answers, bugs, logs, etc. You can also search the archives. Remember: You can really help! Please contribute! You are very welcome! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! -- Regards, Sticky B

Re: Utility for safe updating of ports in base system

2008-03-20 Thread Sticky Bit
ww.freebsd.org/projects/ideas/index.html#p-ports-pkgtools should be extended / rewritten for a new package management tool (/framework) idea. Michel Talon had described such a tool. So we are actually talking about two different things ... -

Re: Thank you for portmaster

2007-03-21 Thread Sticky Bit
quest for help. Hope that makes it clear ... -- Kind regards, Sticky Bit *** True standards compliant plain text emails preferred. *** ___ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send

Thank you for portmaster

2007-03-20 Thread Sticky Bit
rsion available than installed (can also be an older version, think of a manually modified ports tree). Could you please add this small feature? Then I am actually able to do without portupgrade and its other tools. Thank you in advance! -- Kind regards, Sticky B

Re: xfce 4.4 RC1 - patchset 06

2006-09-28 Thread Sticky Bit
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 > Are you sure you deinstalled all previous xfce components which where > installed below /usr/X11R6 in the past before installing the new ones? Deinstalled all xfce stuff using 'pkg_deinstall' then installed the new ones. I was sure all components

Re: xfce 4.4 RC1 - patchset 06

2006-09-28 Thread Sticky Bit
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Hello, just applied your new patchset with a clean portstree and now getting new errors (patchset 05 worked fine for me). > - installation in LOCALBASE instead of X11BASE There are some problems with it. Stale leftovers under /usr/X11R6 directorie