circular dependency ffmpeg<->x264 - broken pkgng database???

2014-02-18 Thread Bengt Ahlgren
I build and update my ports using portmaster on 9.1-REL with pkgng enabled, and create a repo with pkg create -a and pkg repo. One of my client machines upgrading ports from that repo suddenly complained about a lot of unresolved dependencies and refused to upgrade. Of the long list of unresolved

Re: [kde-freebsd] Updating KDE

2013-02-15 Thread Bengt Ahlgren
Jerry writes: > I just updated to KDE Version 4.9.5 as described in the UPDATING file. > KDE starts; however, all of my desktop icon and shortcuts are gone. > What could have happened to them? Also, the key > combination no longer functions. Had a similar experience - many system icons were go

print/acroread8: LD_LIBRARY_PATH breaks helper programs

2008-12-08 Thread Bengt Ahlgren
Hi! When testing acroread8 (on 7.1-PRE) I got the following error when trying to print using KDE's kprinter on i386: The following error occurred while printing... '/libexec/ /usr/local/Adobe/Reader8/ENU/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/lib/ unsupported file layout' a

editors/ does not build on 7.1-BETA2

2008-11-07 Thread Bengt Ahlgren
Hello! editors/ does not build from the to-be 7.1-REL ports tree (tagged RELEASE_7_1_0). The fix has been committed (ports/126308), but requires you to have a later ports tree, which is a bit unfortunate for the quality of the coming release. Can the fix _please_ be tagged with R