On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 19:48:16 +0100, Tilman Linneweh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Axel,
On Nov 26, 2008, at 18:48, Axel Burwitz wrote:
- DVB interface in FreeBSD / Kaffeine -
with help from the maintainer of CX88 I finally made it to get a
Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 1300 with CX88-
Hi Arved,
lme@ directed me from Forum to you for help in:
- DVB interface in FreeBSD / Kaffeine -
with help from the maintainer of CX88 I finally made it to get a Hauppauge
WinTV-HVR 1300 with CX88-driver support up and running in FreeBSD (written
a HowTo in www.bsdforen.de).
Can scan c
Hi Jason,
I am trying to get my DVB-T card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1300 running with the
CX88 driver sw, at the moment without success.
Knowledgeable guys in bsdforen.de advised me to contact you for help.
As pkg-descr says:
cx88 provides drivers for TV/radio capture cards based on
the Conexan