If library in port tree you can fetch old version of the port from svn
manually or with portdowngrade.
anat...@kazanfieldhockey.ru писал 2016-04-03 04:54:
> Sometimes i need to build specific version of some library from source,
> not from ports. How can I tell port system about it. There wa
The FreeBSD Forums will be the place to search and ask for additional help to
do that.
>> Sometimes i need to build specific version of some library from source,
>> not from ports. How can I tell port system about it. There was no problem
>> with old pkg_, because I was able just to put dummy dir
> Am 02.04.2016 um 00:50 schrieb Bryan Drewery :
> On 4/1/16 12:31 AM, Martin Waschbüsch wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just noticed that while just running:
>> root@dev:~# poudriere
>> lists
>>daemon -- Launch the poudriere daemon
>> among possible commands, the manpage doe