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On 5/4/12 9:06 AM, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
if [ ! -f ${serverlogfile} ]; then
touch ${serverlogfile}
chown -H ${u}:${g} ${serverlogfile}
if [ ! -f ${serverlogfile} ]; then
touch ${serverlogfile} || ${MKDIR} /var/log
Hash: SHA1
On 5/4/2012 2:45 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> Hello.
> I know portupgrade is somewhat deprecated, but...
Portupgrade is currently supported by me at
> On several boxes I get the following:
>> # portsdb -U
>> Updati
There seems to be a small error in the install procedure for the
audio/squeezeboxserver port. I installed the latest version under
FreeBSD 8.3-stable.
At the end of "make install", it gives this output:
===> Installing rc.d startup script(s)
Adding squeezeboxserver log entry to /etc/newsysl
I found myself incapable of rebuilding/updating editors/libreoffice on
ALL FreeBSD 9-STABLE and FreeBSD 10-CURRENT (amd64) platforms with the
very same error message as shown below.
It doesn't matter whether I try to build/update with CLANG or the legacy
gcc 4.2.1. GCC 4.6 and 4.7 fail due to 32/6
2012/4/29 Vladislav V. Prodan :
> I try to run in the production FreeBSD 9-CURRENT on the KVM.
> Virtio drivers to make more productive?
> Who is going to buildworld and I still can not provide the error logs
> when building emulators/virtio-kmod
I only tested building this port on 8.[23] and 9.0
I know portupgrade is somewhat deprecated, but...
On several boxes I get the following:
# portsdb -U
Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait.. Done.
portsdb: can't convert nil into String
Is there any way I can debug this?
The boxes are 7.4/8.2 i386/amd64 with d