To completly isolate specific jail come to my mind the following solution:
1. use vimage.
2. setup 1 broker jail - that jail will have ipfw (or pf if but i recall it
have several bugs and kerbel panics ) with nat, will have 2 nics of 2
different epairs, one to the host and other to the isolated
tion about this,
> but i do not know how keen they are to support through funding this.
> When the locking was changed there were a discussion about keeping both of
> the versions but it was just thrown to the trash by the guy doing
> the new 'locking'.
bsd.org> wrote:
> On 19.06.2012 12:56, Sami Halabi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to ask aout VNET jails, i read somehwre that I'm able to run IPFW,
>> but not PF firewall in a cnet jail.
>> is that correct?
>> i want a vnet jail basicly for
Thanks in advance,
Sami Halabi
Information Systems Engineer
NMS Projects Expert
FreeBSD SysAdmin Expert
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