"Bjoern A. Zeeb" writes:
Hello Bjoern,
> of this, and yes, the pf in FreeBSD still lacks it.
Ok. Thanks a lot for the answer.
Éric Masson
ça reste finalement une décision personnelle, sans contraintes
externes, puisqu'il n'y a rien à prouver dans ce domaine aux
variables exogè
Damien Fleuriot writes:
Hi Damien,
> I totally did not understand whatever you're trying to say.
> En d'autres termes, j'ai rien compris.
Pas grave ;)
> What do you call "inside nat" ?
The ability to trigger nat via incoming packets (useful in a nat before
vpn scenario), just like libalias do
Does the PF 4.5 port present in -current & 9-STABLE support inside NAT
please (somewhat like the reverse nat available with libalias) ?
Kind Regards
Éric Masson
Je n'ai pas envie de perdre mon temps à leur APD à la con. Mais j'ai
besoin du certificat qu'y est délivré, pour passer l
Has anyone seen this slide :
PF section talks about new features and certain ones such as interface
groups are really nifty.
Is there any hope to see new features in FreeBSD one of these days or
are these changes way too intrusive ?
> And the main problem of using gif interfaces seems to be a gif + IPSec
> + filtering + forwarding problem for (at least) big TCP sessions (see
> the thread on freebsd-net).
Just checked, maybe it's a regression, this kind of setup works on a
Hi Yvan,
> That's the problem: enc0 doesn't seems to exists, at least on my
> FreeBSD6 gate (perhaps I missed something in the configuration, or
> perhaps this is not a "real" interface ?) !!!
The enc(4) interface doesn't exist in FreeBSD.
Atm, I use
Christopher McGee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The handbook states that pf is available through KAME in 4.11 and from
> my reading Kame is build into the system. How do you enable pf and altq
> on 4.x then. I have had trouble finding any how-to's on this since
> everything for pf points to