ling issues, certain types of I/O on certain FS
>> that cause it to sing or sob, these are the things that will make someone
>> invaluable. No one should be a tech bigot. The mantra should be: "The
>> best tech for the situation". No one should care if it's BSD, Li
ut how much tech is ripped
> off from BSD to make other vendors' products just work and then they slap at
> BSD it's pretty bad. GPLv3? Thank you... there are so many people going
> to a "no GPL products in house" policy that there is a steady increase in BSD
> and ZFS. I can only hope GPLv4 becomes "If y
;If you use our stuff, we own all the
machines and code that our stuff coexists on" :-)
From: Adrian Chadd
To: O. Hartmann
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: New Phoronix performance benchmarks between some Lin
Phoronix is The Onion of *nix journalism. It's cute, but you'd have to be
crazy to believe it.
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28.05.2013 10:08, O. Hartmann:
Phoronix has emitted another of its "famous" performance tests
comparing different flavours of Linux (their obvious favorite OS):
It is "impressive, too, to see that PHORONIX did not benchmark
outperform at what?
On 28 May 2013 00:08, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Phoronix has emitted another of its "famous" performance tests
> comparing different flavours of Linux (their obvious favorite OS):
> It is "impre
Phoronix has emitted another of its "famous" performance tests
comparing different flavours of Linux (their obvious favorite OS):
It is "impressive, too, to see that PHORONIX did not benchmark the
gaming performance - this is