I've been talking to others and it seems that several of us are convinced
that BSD is back on the uptake, so I wouldn't be so quick to mark its
demise. :-)
freebsd-performance@freebsd.org mailing list
I try to use FreeBSD for day-to-day numerical
work, as far as possible. I have to complement
it with linux cluster systems, largely due to
a range of compilers available there.
Anyway, keep me posted if you get anywhere with this.
Am 02/20/13 10:09, schrieb Anton Shterenlikht:
> Oliver
> I try to use FreeBSD for day-to-day numerical
> work, as far as possible. I have to complement
> it with linux cluster systems, largely due to
> a range of compilers available there.
> Anyway, keep me posted if you get anywhere with th