your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerelly yours,
Tang hongbin
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Dear all;
I tried to build VPN tunnels between win2000
professional and FreeBSD4.2 with RACOON as IKE
negotiator. The procedures were described as
1: I set up local policies on win2000.
2: I added rules into racoon.conf and/or psk.txt.
when I sended messages from win2000 to BSD VPN s
Dear All;
I tried, on win2k, to dial-up to mpd(v3.7) on
freebsd with mppe encryption. But I failed. win2k
display error messages "the remote server doesn't
support the data encrption type". I enabled
"mpp-e40","mpp-e128" and "mpp-stateless". I also check
mpd3.7's source Makefile and found
Dear all;
When I selected options
NETGRAPH_MPPC_ENCRYPTION, rather than options
NETGRAPH_MPPC_COMPRESSION, in kernel config and tried
to rebuild freebsd v42. kernel, I failed. The system
printed the error messages as following
linking kernel
ng_mppc.o: In function `ng_mppc_constructo
Dear all;
After I compile tap driver option into kernel. I
can build tapX device and also see them by ifconfig.
After assigning IP addresses to these virtual ethernet
devices, I try to impose firewall policies on them,
blocking in and out data. But I can ping these taps
device. These rules don
It it true that MPD server think that all clients
behind a NAT server have the same IP address(external
address). It doesn't allow more than one client behind
a NAT server to connect with it at one time.
One solution is that NAT server supports RSIP
for further info, please refer RFC RS