hrs added a subscriber: hrs.
hrs added a comment.
It is true that this LOR is driver-specific but calling SIOCSIFMTU after
acquiring a lock in lagg ioctl is not always safe. Change of lladdr suffers
from the same situation and it was solved by using an asynchronous task queue
to update address
hrs added a comment.
Adding jumbo frame support looks good to me. However, is it better to
support this in ether_ioctl() instead of a driver-specific ioctl handler?
Check of (ifr->ifr_mtu > ETHERMTU) in ether_ioctl() can be changed to check if
the interface has IFCAP_JUMBO_MTU or not.
hrs added inline comments.
sys/net/if_lagg.c:753 Please separate a llq loop from a handler for per-port
configuration. A llq traversal should be required only once in lagg_port_ops()
if the handlers process a single lagg_llq entry.
sys/net/if_lagg.c:837 Is this (llq == NULL),
hrs added a comment.
The cause is that the prefix route was removed by in_scrubprefix() in the
PRC_IFDOWN handler and never reinstalled upon PRC_IFUP because the
reinstallation is done only for ifa passed to SIOCAIFADDR. Just calling
if_up(ifp) looks too heavy to me because it causes extra
hrs requested changes to this revision.
hrs added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.
> ng_ksocket.c:319
> +
> + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
> + u_long val;
inet_pton in libkern should be used to parse an IPv6 address. Al