ointing in the right
direction, it would help alot.
Willie Viljoen
Freelance IT Consultant
214 Paul Kruger Avenue, Universitas
South Africa
+27 51 522 15 60
+27 51 522 44 36 (after hours)
+27 82 404 03 27 (mobile)
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CC me in the reply, I get so much list mail I might miss a reply
Willie Viljoen
Freelance IT Consultant
214 Paul Kruger Avenue, Universitas
South Africa
+27 51 522 15 60
+27 82 404 03 27 (mobile)
On Thursday 31 July 2003 0:16, someone, possibly Barney Wolff, typed:
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:16:37PM +0200, Willie Viljoen wrote:
> > When connected to their ISP, SAIX, the machine can ping any live
> > internet IP and it can traceroute to anywhere, but, it can not talk to
have tried running tcpdump -i ppp0 udp port 53 in an attempt at capturing
these packets, nothing, I also looked at rl0 just for interest's sake,
I have run out of ideas, what am I missing?
PS: Please CC me in the reply, I get so much list mail I might miss a reply
If you are seeing ARP requests for a subnet which is routed, it is more than
likely that some router somewhere doesn't know it is routed. ARP requests
are only sent when a system is trying to contact an IP address *it* believes
to be on the same physical network as itself. Make sure routers on your
- Original Message -
From: "Helge Oldach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marco Molteni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: ssh tunnels and Xvnc - (yes, I know... What? not again!?)
> Marco Molteni:
> >> I can ssh from home to the wo
SSH :-)
Have a look at the ssh(1) manpage. The port forwarding should be able to do
what you are looking for. Also, to get the authentication to be automatic,
set up your SSH to use public keys, and use a passphraseless public key on
your laptop. This will let it automatically log in and set up th