i am doing the research about network layer of freeBSD
and linux !
i want what difference of management and schedule
beetween freeBSD mbufs and linux sk_buffs !
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Hi all,
i am working the research in University
it has been said that freeBSD is more stable et faster
than linux !
what element do you base on for expalain this result ?
i am looking forward to reply
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Hi all,
i about the research, compare network layer of linux
and freeBSD.
i read many documennt, freeBSD have tcp/ip protocol
stack faster and more stable than linux, but i don't
know the how to explain for this evalation !
can you explain it for me !
i am working the research about the network of freeBSD
i want knowing the developpement of BSD4.4 life
comparing the 4.3 BSD.
Thanks for your reply
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Hello all,
I read the notation of accept filter from google, but
i don't well understand, this text as following
"Versions of FreeBSD from August 2000 onwards include
a feature called "accept filters" which delay the
return from accept() until a condition has been met,
e.g. an HTTP request ha
freeBSD is developped from BSD 4.4 lite,
freeBSD 1.0 hit the market in 1993,
BSD 4.4 lite was born in 1994
Please, you explain me this situation
Vinh !
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what is net/1 ? net/2 ? net/3,
what is the current net now ?
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